Weather Data
Lokate imports weather data from Apple Weather when an assignment is reviewed. If no weather data is attached, it is downloaded, and internal storage is updated. This process ensures that outdated data, even from weeks or years ago, is refreshed. Note that Apple Weather has limitations and may not always provide historical data. Additionally, coverage and accuracy may vary by location. In wilderness areas, wind direction reported by Apple Weather can differ significantly from actual conditions on the ground. Wind direction and, to some extent, wind speed should be considered averages over a large area. Natural features like mountains can affect your specific observations.
Weather Data Trend Period
The specific data collected covers an hourly range starting 1 or 2 hours before your recorded issue and ending 1 or 2 hours after. For tracking and trailing problems, this includes hider tracks. Consequently, with aged hider tracks, the weather data collected since the hider track was recorded may help determine how conditions such as wind and precipitation may have impacted the track.
Weather Data limitation
Weather trends are limited to 10 days. If a hider track is older than 10 days, Lokate will download weather data starting with the latest recorded GPS from Handler or K9 back to 10 days i.e., the hider recorded dates will not have weather data.
Which Weather Data Lokate Collects
Lokate collects the following weather data:
Ambient temperature
Dew point
Cloud cover (0..100%)
Relative Humidity (HR) (100%)
Wind speed (min, max, average, gusts)
Wind direction (the wind blows towards to)
UV Index
Precipitation (type and amount)