
Aug 2023

Problem Solving

  1. Lokate does not track me, I see no trace following me even though I have started an assignment.

    Be sure to allow Lokate access to location services. In Settings, scroll down to Lokate and under “Lokation” select “While Using the App” or “Always” (see also working with CalTopo)

  2. The heading information shows “Cal Compass”.

    This indicates that the iPhone’s compass is out of calibration or not working properly. There are several steps to fixing this issue:

    A) Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > and scroll down and tap System Services and then turn on Compass Calibration.

    B) Under Settings > Compass, turn True North setting to OFF. Now start the compass app, on a flat surface turn your iPhone and observe that the compass is working. If not, move outside, take a short walk (a few feet will do) and try again. If it is working now, turn the True North setting back on.

    C) If you use a magnetic case, turn the iPhone upside down and tap a few times on the back.

    D) If your compass still does not work you may need to perform a force restart (see below)

  3. Importing data fails.

    When you select Lokate as the import target in your 3rd party application (.e.g SARTopo), Lokate shows but no imports are visible. This may happen when the application was shutdown or interrupted during a previous import or when the 3rd party was recently updated. A force restart of your iPhone (see below) is necessary to restore importing capabilities.

  4. Working with CalTopo

    Lokate can work i.e., collect and record GPS information side by side CalTopo. You may operate either Lokate or CalTopo in the background. Note that for Lokate to continue to record GPS data while in the background, its system systems must be set to “Location” = “Always”

iPhone Force Restart.

  1. Press and quickly release the volume up button.

  2. Press and quickly release the volume down button.

  3. Press and hold the side button.

  4. When the Apple logo appears, release the side button.