Example Form Templates
These are Form Templates you can use with Lokate. Once imported, they can be changed and altered in any way you see fit to address your specific need.
To import into Lokate, on your phone, click the “Copy Template to Clipboard” button next or under the template you are interested in. Then open Lokate and navigate to Settings/Form Template Builder and click the import button at the bottom. You can then paste the clipboard into the little dialog. Press OK and the template shows in the list. Select and customize as you see fit.
Area Scent Training Form Template
Training area/Location
Training date & time
Which SAR organization you trained with
Handler and K9 name
Problem design
Environment; elevation, temperature, humidity, wind strength, clouds/rain/snowing
Details of the subjects placed and how many found.
Comment field where you can describe the training in detail
Corrections field where you can describe improvements for future training goals and objectives
HRD Training Form Template
Training area/Location
Training date & time
Which SAR organization you trained with
Handler and K9 name
Problem design
Environment; elevation, temperature, humidity, wind strength & direction, clouds/rain/snowing
Details of the sources placed (source type and whether Burried, surface or hanging) and how many found.
Comment field where you can describe the training in detail
Corrections field where you can describe improvements for future training goals and objectives